Week 7 : Build & Fix Bug

This week, our game development team has made significant progress in building and debugging our game.

Build & Testing:
  • Initial Build: We've successfully created an initial build of our game, allowing us to test the overall functionality and identify any remaining bugs or performance issues.
  • Gameplay Testing: We've extensively tested the gameplay mechanics, ensuring that movement, object interaction, and inventory management work as intended.
  • Bug Fixing: We've actively addressed the bugs discovered during testing, prioritizing those that significantly impact gameplay or cause crashes.
  • Playability: The initial build has demonstrated the game's core mechanics and overall gameplay experience.
  • Bug Identification: The testing process has uncovered various bugs and inconsistencies that require further attention.
Current Status:
  • Build: The initial build has been completed and is available for internal testing.
  • Gameplay: The core gameplay mechanics are functional, but further refinement and bug fixing are needed.
  • Assets: BGM and SFX are yet to be integrated into the build.
The initial build has been a valuable milestone, allowing us to assess the game's overall functionality and identify areas for improvement. We're committed to addressing the remaining bugs and refining the gameplay experience to create a polished and enjoyable game.
Thank you for following our Devlog!

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