Week 3 : Asset & Icon

This week, our game development team has made significant progress on developing assets and icons for our game. 

Here are some of the things we've accomplished:

  • Trees: We've created various tree models with different designs. These models are still in the prototype stage and may change in the future.


  • Rocks: We've created various rock models with different shapes and textures.


  • Houses: We've created a house model with a simple and attractive design.


  • Characters: We've created a main character model with a design that is still in the prototype stage and may change in the future.


  • Other Assets: We've also created various other assets such as plants, water, and visual effects.


  • Tool Icons: We've created icons for various tools that will be used in the game, such as axes, sickles, watering cans, and hammers.



We are very happy with the progress we have made this week. We are confident that our game will be even more engaging with high-quality assets and icons.

Thank you for following our Devlog!

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