Week 6 : Asset & Game Play

This week, our game development team has made significant progress in refining our character asset and implementing gameplay mechanics.

Character Asset:
  • Main Character (Guntur): We've reworked our main character, Guntur, to better fit the overall style and tone of our game. The previous model had some inconsistencies that required us to create a new one. We're pleased with the new design and believe it better represents Guntur's personality and role in the game. This is the finall model we will use for our game.


Gameplay Mechanics:
  • Core Mechanics: We've begun implementing the core mechanics for our game, focusing on the interactions between the player character and the game world. This includes aspects like movement, object interaction, and inventory management.
  • Spawn Mechanics: We've encountered some challenges with implementing spawn mechanics, particularly related to ensuring that objects spawn correctly and consistently within the game world. We're actively working on resolving these issues to ensure a smooth and polished gameplay experience.
Despite facing some technical hurdles, we're encouraged by the progress we've made in both character design and gameplay mechanics this week. We're confident that these refinements will contribute to a more engaging and enjoyable gaming experience.
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