Week 4 : 3C & Level Design

This week, our game development team has made significant progress on 3C and Level Design for our game. Here are some of the things we've accomplished:

3C :


  • Character Controls: We've created and refined character controls for movement, jumping, and interacting with objects in the game world.
  • Movement: We've implemented a movement system that allows the character to move smoothly and realistically.
  • Camera: We've implemented a camera system that follows the character smoothly and provides an optimal view of the game world.
  • Player Logic: We've added player logic that allows the character to interact with objects in the game world, such as collecting items and opening doors.
Level Design :


  • Level Creation: We've started creating the first level for our game, which will introduce players to the game world and its mechanics.
  • Level Design: We've designed the level with a focus on balancing challenge and fun.
  • Object Placement: We've placed objects in the level in a way that will guide players and encourage them to explore the game world.


We are very happy with the progress we have made this week. 3C and Level Design are two important aspects of any game, and we are confident that our work on both of these areas will help make our game an enjoyable and engaging experience for players.

Thank you for following our Devlog!

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